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State-of-the-Art Training Equipment

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Delta V DCS System

Delta V DCS system

The Delta V DCS system enables students to gain experience managing processes which include MagFlow and Micromotion transmitters.

Relevant Training and Equipment

Relevant Training and Equipment

The instrumentation program acquires equipment based on employer needs. Here, students learn to use a distillation column which separates combined liquids.

Roller Coaster

Theme Park

Students use the program's ever-growing theme park in designing projects that control the rides and measure speed and G-Force. This student works with the drop zone ride that is encirled by the roller coaster.



The four trainers include 1: Turbine/generator technology with high, intermediate and low pressure turbines; 2: Electrical generation with loads and synchronizing of off-line turbines with on-line turbines; 3: Advanced boiler technology with six fuel inputs, economizer and induced and forced draft; 4: Combustion technology including coal, gas, and oil.

Flow Control Trainer

Flow Control Trainer

These students are working on a system that controls flow. The instrumentation and control automation program uses trainers to give students hands-on experience with industrial grade devices.

Industrial Process Plant

Industrial Process Plant

This Industrial Process Trainer simulates a complete industrial system with temperature, pressure, level and flow all in one system. The students control all four processes with single point controllers or a PLC and a panelview, including feed forward and cascade control.

More Process Trainers

More Process Trainers

These trainers are used to teach the basics of instrumentation including temperature, pressure, flow, level, and PH.



The SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system wirelessly and remotely controls an outdoor process. Compact logix PLC is used to control and RSView to build the HMI (Human Machine interface) for the PanelView.

PLC Trainers

PLC Trainers

ControlLogix PLCs (Programmable Logic Control) and S-7 Siemens PLCs are used. Students build and control projects with HMIs (Human Machine Interface) using RSView and interfacing the PLCs with Motion Control, PowerFlex AC Drives, Robots, PanelView and process control systems as well as using Hart and Foundation Fieldbus protocols.



Keeping pace with industry, the instrumentation program's ABB robot is the same as those used in the local Volvo truck plant. Students learn to program and interface the robot with programable logic controllers (PLCs). The latest user interface is a touch-screen teach pendant.


Electrical Mechanical System

Mechatronics is an electro-mechanical field that incorporates all the basics of electrical and mechanical system that work together to make a product. Students learn each component and then how they work together. The student then gets troubleshooting experience to help the system running. We have an Allen Bradley version and Siemens version.



The calibration training starts with bench calibration using manometers, dead weight testers, and hand calibration units like current simulators and then goes to calibrating with different fluke units, emerson trex and beamit calibration. The last part includes database management of calibration where the students upload the data, do the calibration, and then download the updated data.

Instrumentation and Control Automation Department Contact Information

General questions and requests about the accounting department should be directed to Montie Fleshman 1-866-462-6722, extension 4255, or (540) 674-3600 extension 4255.
You may also email mfleshman@fixshowerfaucet.com.

Instrumentation and Control Automation Department Faculty

Call (540) 674-3600 or toll-free 1-866-462-6722, then you will be prompted to add the extension number to reach any employee.

Dustin Carter


Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

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Montie Fleshman


Professor of Instrumentation

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Keith McAllister


Adjunct Instructor

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  •  5251 College Drive
  •  Dublin, VA 24084
  •  (540) 674-3600
  •  Toll Free: 866-462-6722
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  •  782 New River Road NW, Suite 400
  •  Christiansburg, VA 24073
  •  (540) 674-3610
  •  Fax: (540) 381-7128
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